How To Show Up? with Ain Bailey (UK)
Join artist Ain Bailey for an evening of live sound performance and music.
Ain will present her sound work ‘Breath’ and transform San Serriffe for the occasion into a breathing organism. Following the performance, Ain will DJ until 11 pm, stay for drinks and dancing.
In conjunction with this event How To Show Up? is hosting a listening session the day before (Friday 16th November), which follows Ain’s current research interests exploring sonic autobiographies. For more details on how to attend the listening session, please click on the link below:
Ain Bailey is a sound artist and DJ. Her current practice involves an exploration of sonic autobiographies, architectural acoustics, live performance, as well as collaborations with performance, visual and sonic artists. Among these is performance/visual artist Jimmy Robert, who commissioned Bailey to create a composition for his 2017 show ‘European Portraits’ at PEER Gallery, London. “Oh Adelaide” (2010), her collaboration with the artist Sonia Boyce, has shown widely, and includes: Tate Britain; the Whitechapel Gallery and The Kitchen, New York. In 2016, Bailey was commissioned by Art Basel Miami Beach to compose for the Soundscape Park. Bailey also devised a Study Week at Wysing Arts Centre, Cambridge, which considered the role of sound in the formation of identity. In addition to this, in 2017, Bailey collaborated with Gaylene Gould on the creation of a Sonic Trail for Tate Britain, London. She also performed at Guest, Ghost, Host: Machine!, the 2017 Serpentine Marathon. Bailey is a research student at Birkbeck, University of London (on a break in studies), and was guest professor in sound at Kunsthochschule Kassel for the winter semester 2017/2018. Currently, following a commission by Serpentine Projects, Bailey is conducting sound workshops with LGBTI+ refugees and asylum seekers.
How To Show Up? is supported by the AFK (Amsterdam Fund for the Arts)